Read the following transcript of a conversation. Answer the questions by choosing true, false, or not given from the drop-down menu.
Jack: “Good morning. It’s time we had a conversation about climate change and our company’s resiliency efforts in this respect. You know, there are a lot of reports—admittedly some fearmongering—that in fifty years our city might be underwater because of rising sea levels.
Now, I’m not an expert on climatology, but I think it’s time we took the initiative to research what some of our options might be in the future. After all, this is a company that we expect to carry on business as usual well into the future. Does anyone have any ideas on this?”
Janet: “Jack, I’d like to applaud you for bringing up this issue. Climate change and crisis is something we all need to consider because it’s not a matter of when it might happen. In my opinion, it’s already happening. And yes, our company is certainly vulnerable because, as you mentioned, Jack, our headquarters here are on the coast and below sea-level. However, I would suggest to you that exploring so-called resiliency efforts is a waste of time. Most of these ideas to keep the water from affecting our complex are cost prohibitive—and to be honest just not very well thought out. That’s why I say we should simply consider moving our offices inland, as far as possible aways from the coast. In fact, I would say we might as well as do this as soon as possible.
Mae: “Excuse me, but I’d just like to jump in here. Jack, I also think it’s great you have brought this up because as Janet said it is an issue. Yet, unlike Janet, I disagree that we should move our offices. I was talking to the Mayor of our city the other day and he assured me that there is some great engineering and architectural technology that even City Hall is considering. In fact, he even suggested that there might be some tax breaks for companies that invest in this new technology. We shouldn’t run away from the problem; we should be tackling the problem head on.
Janet: “Well personally, I wouldn’t believe anything the Mayor says cause he’s just out to get your vote. Furthermore, it’s odd how suddenly he has changed positions because a couple years ago he was quite a vocal climate-change denier. He’s only recently come out in support of climate resilience efforts since we had all that flooding 6 months ago and many blamed him for his lack of action. Moreover, a lot of the experts say it’s actually too late to do anything about the climate. Throwing money on unrealized technology to redesign buildings doesn’t sound like good business sense to me. Moving inland is a much more cost-effective option. That is certainly the conclusion I have reached and I think, in the end, it is the most prudent.
Jack: “I appreciate the input you both have shared. I don’t think we should rush to judgment, however. This is why I suggested we take the time to do some research into the matter.
Janet: “But there is no time, Jack. It’s already too late. If we’re going to move on this, we should do this quickly. There’s no time like the present.
Mae: “Oh, it’s all doom and gloom with you, Janet.