B2 Language Specification
Digimill Press
About this resource
Get started with a rich collection of exercises at B2 level for your classroom.
Access a range of Grammar, Reading, Vocabulary, Listening and Writing exercises from our most popular publishers.
In total this collection includes 300+ exercises or up to 50 learning hours.
Communicative Functions & Notions
Asking About and Describing Habits and Routines
Asking About and Describing Places
Asking and Giving Directions
Checking Understanding
Critiquing and Reviewing
Criticising and Complaining
Describing Past Experiences and Events
Describing Feelings and Emotions
Describing Hopes, Plans, and Intentions
Describing People
Expressing Agreement and Disagreement
Expressing Reaction, e.g. Indifference
Giving Personal Information
Making and Responding to Requests
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